13 October 2015

! " the Opprobrious Eight Pages' T R U T H " !

Of this guy ?  From this man ?  This one ?  He is the same old man who crawls up into the bed and eyeballs and sniffs at the chest belonging to his 20s – something, gravida 1 just para 1 daughter – in – law who, there in that same bed right then, is herself not only still bleeding from birthing but is also now bared and breastfeeding her newborn infant daughter.  Sniffing DEhumans this smirking and snide man … … as in the same manner as is mounted by those Islamist terrorists of Nigeria’s Boko Haram.  Or as is contorted by bulls' snouts inside pastures full up of cows' vulvae.  Or as with lactopornography.  That man.

Man and woman breastfeeding baby

from Mother - Fucking's:  Chapter Twenty Seven  pp 279 - 282
An Opera in Three Acts – But with Five Parts
Acts One and Two: Parts One, Two and Three
“ ‘The body of a woman is filthy, and not a vessel for the law.’ --- Buddha.
‘Three things are insatiable –– the desert, the grave and a woman’s cunt.’ --- Arab Proverb.
When man made himself God, he made woman less than human.
‘A woman is never truly her own master,’
argued Luther. ‘God formed her body to belong to a man, to have and to rear children.’
In the grand design of the monotheistic male, 
woman was no more than a machine to make babies for him,
with neither the need nor the right to be anything else:
‘Let them bear children till they die of it.’ Luther advised. ‘That is what they are for.’
--- Prophetess Dr. Rosalind Miles in Chapter Five entitled 
The Sins of the Mothers
of her Scripture, The Women’s History of the World
verse – page 102.

! " the Opprobrious Eight Pages' T R U T H " ! 
= as IN the same manner as Nixon's Z I L C H Memo 
= scrawled in noxious Nixon's very own 1972 handwriting !
= the E X P O S I N G PROOF of ALL of Herry - Daddee's LIES

"""What follows is from Herry’s own script scribbled down onto pages taken from a Pfizer drug rep’s freebie doxycycline hyclate pad left from time to time around the laboratory of the Good and Wonderful Doctor, that is, from out of Dr Herod Edinsmaier’s own hand!  Verbatim! and In Toto!  [except for the bracketed phrases which are my only added comments]:

Fears and Resentment of Legion: 
Fears of Legion.

Fears of other people learning the truth about me. 

Afraid that I am a sex / love / romance addict.

Told Fannie about Murielle / Celeste, animals.  – Affects my self – esteem.  [Legion told, that is; the Good and Wonderful Doctor certainly did not reveal any of his proclivities for incest and bestiality to Ms. Fannie!]

Threatens to beat me in court.  – Affects my self – esteem.

Calls my place a pigpen.

Sends me books and letters.

Legion’s criticism / opinion of me gets into my mind and it is like I hear her and feel unsure of myself or guilty as if I have done something wrong.  E.g., I think what time would she put the kids to bed?  Would
she feed them better than I would?  Am I really a sex / love addict?  Am I really obsessed to the point that
I would endanger the kids?  Am I abandoning the kids?  I fear I am not a responsible parent.  I fear I am not a responsible pathologist.  I am abandoned by the boys.  I will have to live alone without a loving wife.

What I have been doing?
Calling long distance [to Fannie] when I feel down.  Writing many cards and long letters, love letters – but at work.  Saying I am in love, that I love her.  Invited her to Hawaii [medical meeting].  Almost invited her to Minnesota [lakeside with the Boys after their Quaker camp].  Talking of permanence but all we have in common is religion, Irish Catholic mothers with that training especially about sex and high school experience but what did we talk about in high school?  Talked of someone from back then and how it was wrong for me to go after her; if I was so attached to Fannie, then why would I go for her?  I said because I wondered if it would happen again.  Maybe there was nothing at all wrong with my dating her.  Maybe there was nothing at all wrong with her dating my brother, Atwater.  Telling her [Ms. Fannie Issicran McLive] about possibility of moving, changing jobs.  Paying attention to Mary Jane.  Talking of how hard this next year will be. 

What I am promising or advertising:
1) love 2) a hurt that Fannie can fix 3) a father for her daughter 4) acceptance of her appearance / desire for her body 5) “help” with parenting 6) more money / more room / bigger house

Fannie seems to offer:
1) someone who loves me without criticism or reservation 2) a child who chooses to be with me and who is affectionate 3) a home where someone lives; a place to come home to 4) economic security = that old woman friend of hers’ inheritance [ ! ! ! ] 5) emotional security; someone I can love, trust and confide in; outlet for my affection, emotions 6) safety from Legion’s criticism 7) refuge from job and parental responsibilities      [ ! ! ! ] 8) chance to realize and relive a 26 – year – old fantasy [ ! ! ! ] 9) chance to be young and carefree again [ ! ! ! ] 10) driving to Kansas six hours each way 11) making love to her 12) asking about her tubal  13) sending her pictures of me and the boys

What I have done with Mary Jane:
1) told her I like Fannie 2) sent her cards signed ‘love Herry’ 3) paid attention to her, baseball, swimming, pool, bowling 4) returned her hugs 5) gave her advice like I tell my boys 6) bought her gifts 7) openly expressed affection for Fannie 8) ?acted like Dad? 

What she has done / said:
1) she is in love with me 2) I was the first and only one she was in love with 3) she vowed to be abstinent until she were with someone to whom she felt spiritually / emotionally intimate – like me 4) told me about her older, adopted daughter, about being attacked [ ! ! ! ] 5) sent me cards / letters 6) visited me in Ames – her suggestion; it surprised me but I immediately accepted 7) sent me books to read, tapes to listen to 8) told me about her tubal, stapling, medifast [ ! ! ! ] 9) told me she could become certified in Iowa 10) told me in six years she would be ready to quit teaching and work at McDonald’s and she didn’t care where the burger joint was located  

My history with Legion:
Had ideas about her roommates but never gave any sign [ ! ! !  … JYeah, that is what Herry, of course, wanted to believe:  that I did not know!  But … I knew!  I always knew that he had had “ideas” about my roommates!  All women I know … know this!]  Trying to be a grad student but spending my time frivolously drinking and talking to friends, taking some courses, accepted to med school for Fall ’75.  Worked in lab and had hots for new tech in Bio 101.  Continued living in trailer.  I really thought I might die.  I got sick with Loeffler’s syndrome.  Unable to work in lab or elsewhere.  Spent week at the Iowa City sanitarium and got better; came back to drive batch truck and drop out of grad school.  I thought I would call it off when I went to Iowa City.  I did not expect to marry Legion.  Entered med school.  Went out, girls and booze.  Often lonely; wanted to be as successful with girls as my friend was.  I did not feel committed to Legion but didn’t send her away either.  She came down at Thanksgiving for the weekend; she got pregnant.  I don’t recall ever going to Ames to visit her there.  My birthday she told me she was pregnant.  I spent my weekends with other girls though; best I’d ever had.  Getting by in med school ‘working under half steam.’  Felt isolated from other med students; blamed it on difference in my age from them.  I WANTED ABORTION;  EASY FOR ME TO GET HER ONE at the med school.  Legion’d rejected it outright.  Knew she would; she’d always been for choice but it was her choice she’d always said to keep any baby she’d ever came up pregnant with.  [ ! ! !   ! ! !   ! ! ! Herry wanted Zane ABORTED!  Very usual abuser thinking!  Like it is ever the man’s choice!]  AmTaham came to Iowa City, called me selfish and made threats of what sounded like he was going to try to obtain custody of the baby.  He asked if my parents knew.  I said I would tell them when we knew what we would do.  He replied that if I had not told them in one week, he would.  I contacted student legal services; said there’d be no way he could get custody as long as Legion didn’t consent.  Continued med school.  Rented trailer to friend.  Discussed how a new baby could be managed; Legion couldn’t do it and stay in school.  Dean said I could leave and get back in in a year if I wanted; was subject to any changes in the curriculum was all.  We moved into Pammel Court in Ames; I got work at the factory.  I enjoyed my life and work.  We had lots of sex.”

Back to myself I spat, “Herry!  ‘After you?  Coming after you?!’  How you!  How so narcissistically right on the mark of you, Herry!  It was never about … you.  Never you, Dr. Edinsmaier.  Nor your fucking money.  Not that and not your status.  It was never, fucking ever about you, Herry.  It was about the Boys.  And, yeah.  Yeah, you’re right all right!  And so was Mirzah when he told Mz. CherryBabe Canard.  I would be a – comin’ after them, and I still will! It was never, ‘You call, O He Who Must Be Obeyed, and I do your bidding,’ Herry.  I have the Truth.  Just try.  Just try and hold us mothers back!  ‘Young and carefree again?’  Whaaa’, Herry?  “Carefree again”?!  With three boys and a couple of stepchildren?  Carefree?!  Yeah, riiiight.  Refuge from job and parental responsibilities?’  Well, fuuuuck that!  That’s not even to mention the ‘attack’, or ‘Murielle, Celeste and the animals’, Herry!  You write that you gave “no sign” about my roommates, Herry?  You fool.  You fucking, narcissistic fool, Herry!  I always knew.  We women who are roommates?  We always know!  But … I am a fucked fool … nevertheless!  ‘Fool me twice, shame on me’ – fool!  That kinda’ fool!  Was that that you ‘thought’ you might die when I nursed you for three months’ time back from that pulmonary parasitism’s brink –– or that you ‘wished’ you might die!  Sons, you have no mother!  Mother, you have no sons!’ ???   Uh – uh.  No.  No.  Don’t even go there.  Ya’ got one thing gone straight at least though, Herry:  what you were to me!  ‘There.  Goes.  My.  Sex.  Object.’  But you, Herry?  You take my babies?  Well, you’re in for it then.  Just try.  Just try to hold this ‘girl’ back!  You take my Boys away from me?!  What did you expect?!  What did you expect?!  I wouldn’t notice?! … I’ma gonna NOTICE!  I am!     I am a direct descendant of AmTaham True and, as he had been when at once breathing, am myself a Righteous Ancestor – in – Training!  I.   Am.  Going.  To.  Notice!

Another piece of ‘testimonial evidence’ … another FACT, O He Who Is THE So Great and Wonderful Doctor Herod Edinsmaier!  ONE LAST FACT here, O He Who Is, in veridicality, THE Mother – Fucker:   You demanded of me … Zane’s ABORTION, You Terrorist!  MY BODY.  MY CHILD.  MY CHOICE. 

And what you never –– THEN –– acknowledged, Terrorist Herry:  IF I had aborted Zane, THEN … THEN … there NEVER, EVER EITHER would have existed a Jesse or a Mirzah!  IF I had had Zane aborted, THEN we
–– you and I –– would not have had either the same subsequent unions nor any such future liaison whatsoever at all.  THUS, NO JESSE.  THUS, NO MIRZAH.  Yet you, Abortion – Commander Herod Edinsmaier, you have held onto –– all of this time –– you have possessed and ordered it up, although no longer “legal,” certainly not “constitutional” and NEVER MORAL … the entire World’s “RULE of PATRIARCHAL LAW” at your whimsy, ‘SONS, YOU HAVE NO MOTHER!  MOTHER, YOU HAVE NO SONS!’ ”

The truck pulled up, a Ryder 24 – footer even!  And into its back end on Saturday, 13 October 1990, around about 11:30 am went one bicycle.  Nothing else.  Nothing else had my 14 – , 12 – or 10 – year – old ready, packed or, most importantly, the desire to put into Daddee – Herry’s (literally) mother – fucking truck. 

AmTaham True, with every centimeter of his brain, blood and flesh the Cinque – “only reason I ever was …  is … for Legion now” – physique, stood statuesque and in complete view of us all at the west window to the side of my king bed, its curtains purposefully this time pulled completely back and him poised there in his full ancestral force and regalia watching over me.  Two of his precious progeny climbed into the cab; I let go of Mirzah, and he belted himself up into the backseat of Ms. Fannie Issicran McLive’s red Baretta which had been following her Herry everywhere that daMan led. 

“We’ll see allya’all back here in just a little bit.  I promise,” and I smiled and waved.  Off the Good and Wonderful Doctor spirited this True mother’s three Sons.  They were gone from my sight around the corner at the top of Havencourt in less than a minute’s time.  I went back inside to Zephyr, Rex and Lady, their tomkitty, serpentine kingsnake and zebra finch, all three of the Boys’ pets never in the custody of … and, most assuredly, never the work of actually loving and caring for them wanted by … Herry the Daddee.

*     *     *    *

Come to find out, Herry had no job anymore either.  Not here in Ames he didn’t.  He had vacated his and Ms. Fannie McLive’s apartment complex in Ames’ west section and moved her and Mary Jane once again. Down to a two – level bungalow on 69th in Urbandale, a northwest suburb of Des Moines, and 65 minutes of interstate driving time door to door from mine.  Apparently it was his ‘plan’ to practice pathology around that metro in a per diem, locum tenens capacity at various laboratories while all the while seeking permanency with an outfit that suited him.  Guess the White Law Firm outta Kansas City, the buckos who represented the legal concerns for the Downshim Pathology Laboratories and its branches, of which the Ames one had been, had had their full – up fill with Slacker Herry’s base and boorish bunkum –– his tardiness, his contrariness and Dr. Edinsmaier’s outright absence at inappropriate times –– as, er, with deeply anesthetized and, therefore, very unconscious women! –– and … shall we say, had “released” him.  Something else that never seemed to much matter to the High Aggrandizier although Judge Seizor did know, too, of Dr. Herod Edinsmaier’s work habits.  Or, rather, Herry – Daddee’s such dearth thereof! """

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