13 August 2017

" ... ... but if you wanna learn how to dance !"

and " ... ... if you wanna be h a p p y, just watch your " ... ... Grandpa Willard and me.

" ... ... just a good ol' boy" = Grandpa Willard !

" ... ... from this day in time," My Dearest Children, thus:

You are my children, my gifts to the world
You are the lights of my life
You all have your good hearts, you have your own strength
So I know you'll all do all right

As I look to the future from this day in time
The truth is, I don't have a clue
There are modern day wonders I don't understand
So I'll leave that all up to you

But if you wanna learn how to dance
Just watch your mama and me

Just a good ole boy and his lady
Nothing too fancy to see
If you want to be happy
Just watch your mama and me

There are so many changes, changing too fast
Things I know nothing about
But some things remain, just stay the same
And that's where I might help you out

So if you wanna learn how to dance
Just watch your mama and me

Just a good ole boy and his lady

from Our Darlin' Forever Singer of Sad Songs, Mr Waylon Jennings

b u t ... ... 

but this ?  This --- hunger --- has broken my heart
since I was 18.  And truly, then, knew of it ... ... firsthand.

1 in 9 persons inside this whole World live on
LESS than $2.00 per day.  Today.  y2017.  
Inside ALL of this technology and science.

My heart continues beating ... ... but broken. 


09 April 2017

Living on one dollar a day

However serious your money problems may be, would you willingly trade them for the challenge of living on just one dollar a day? 

For millions of people, that’s their reality EVERY day. Tony Dokoupil has the pictures to prove it:

Think about this: One out of every nine people on Earth gets by on less than two dollars a day. 

“I want people to go and look at those images and immerse themselves as if that was their reality,” said Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Renée Byer.

“It just begs the question ... ... why.”

Byer has spent years photographing a world we don’t often want to see. Those photographs and the stories they capture are part of a new traveling exhibit, “Living on a Dollar a Day.”

“The most important thing for me was to preserve their dignity in these pictures,” Byer said.

And how does she do that? “Show how hard-working they were, to let their life unfold in front of me, and to document that life.”

Jestina Koko, 25, with her five-year-old daughter, Satta Quaye, in Monrovia, Liberia. Crippled since the age of three, Jestina survives by doing laundry for others, selling cookies on the street, and begging. Both of them suffer from malaria. She wishes for a wheelchair, a private room to live in and for her daughter to go to school.

She does it by documenting not just their lack of food, clean water and healthcare, but their smiles, too.

“If you were to take that child out of that scene, that’s just like an everyday slice of life -- just running, smiling,” Byer said.

Globally, the poorest of the poor total more than 800 million.  “One of the myths about poverty is that people who are poor are lazy,” she said. “And I have to say that in all of my travels through four continents, that that couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

To get to the truth, Byer took time off from her newspaper job at the Sacramento Bee. She traveled to 10 countries, taking 15,000 photographs.

In Ghana, children in flip-flops sift through the burning fragments of old computers, searching for metal they can sell. “You can see the fire here -- even his eyelashes are singed from the fire, from working so close and digging with his bare hands in this toxic waste,” Byer said.

That’s where she met Fati, age eight, stricken with malaria and crying as she worked.  “I said, ‘What’s the matter? Why is she so sad?’

And they said, ‘That’s because she wants to go home with you.’ It broke my heart.”

The number of people living this way is actually dropping; it’s down more than half since 1990, thanks to foreign aid and new investments in health and education -- and, yes, thanks to some of Byer’s photos, too.


All of these children at left are now in school, helped by people inspired by her photographs.

Fati (top right), is now at a boarding school. “She has the most amazing smile,” Byer said. “Her life has completely changed.”

Of course, there are still millions out there who aren’t as lucky, which Byer hopes to change … one photo at a time.
Faces of the world’s extreme poor
For more info:

09 August 2017

06 and 09 August y1945

MAY the events of these two days ... ...
06 and 09 August y1945 ... ... never happen ever again.


Why ?  Why --- at all --- Nagasaki ?  Too ?

Our killings could have, as well --- save for a dude named Hank Stimson, included next after Nagasaki's annihilation then ... ... another pogrom also:  Kyoto !

Then - US Secretary o' Warring ( 'ith Those 'Others' Different Than Us Folk ) Stimson had 'personal' reasons for sparing the Different Folks there in Kyoto.

Yeah.  Yeah:  personal reasons.

Mostly those personal reasons are, aren't they, for w.h.y. --- with another individual or 'different' group --- for why ( her or his justification and 'rational'ization re ) anyone's ... ... warring ? !

For whatever else is done --- because of "your personal reasons" --- make certain over and throughout all of that:  to gut the bitch in the belly.

As per some o' Those in Power w Dominion Over Her of The Contender:  http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1100998-contender and http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208874/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 .

But, most especially, this statement near its end:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlioUeIUuts&list=PLuPQ67nPIEBA-x88H6p_V-7J__0pX_kCI =

" ... ... because of half - truths, lies and innuendos "

" simple as that "

Posted August 6, 2017 at 5:55 pm | Permalink
I’d like to echo what others have said about it being impossible to know how people thought and felt at the time. I can only speak from a British perspective, and Truman was obviously not British. He wasn’t even a normal member of the public, but he no doubt shared many of the same emotions, experiences and fears. This is a bit of a long reply but it’s a matter close to my heart. I also have no answer to whether dropping the bomb was right or wrong. But here goes:
I live in a relatively small village in Yorkshire and every Remembrance Day (11/11) a ceremony is held at the village war memorial. I’m not one for ceremonies at all but I nearly always go, as do hundreds of other people, I also take my kids as I think it’s important that they understand what their great-grandparents’ generation had to endure. During the ceremony an announcer reads out the names of people from the village that died in the world wars and for such a small area the number is truly staggering. It takes about ten minutes to read them, and from the names it is obvious that many are from the same families. I’m not a very emotional person but I find it incredibly moving.

It’s not like they had a choice – they were either forced to go to war, or felt compelled to because losing the war was unthinkable – Hitler was only 21 miles away over the Channel after all. Almost all of these soldiers would have suffered horrible, painful deaths while terrified out of their wits, and their families knew this of course. By the end of the WW2 virtually the whole of society was traumatised by, and desensitized to, organised brutality. Within just my own family my grandparents suffered many bereavements – my maternal grandmother, for instance, lost her father in WW1 and three brothers in WW2 (her mother died when she was an infant).

I saw the film Dunkirk the other day, again with my kids. It’s an excellent film, but quite intense and a difficult film to watch at times. It does a fantastic job of showing the nastiness and pointlessness of war though, which I’m glad my girls picked up on. The film also conveys the terrifying existential threat that people in the UK felt at the time. After defeating France in three weeks Hitler was just a short boat ride away. Can you imagine the reality of Nazi troops stomping down your street, raping your daughter, or wife or mother? What about you and the rest of your family being dragged into the street to be shot or hung because a fellow villager shot at them? I can’t, but this is the reality the British public lived in, it was a very real threat. As we know it actually happened in much of Europe. The situation did change by 1945 but all the carnage, tragedy, fear and grief was either very recent or still going on.

Fast forward a few years to the firebombings of Germany and then Japan. We would rightly regard these as hideous atrocities if carried out today; they were truly horrific. There are countless dreadful stories from Dresden or Hamburg, or Tokyo: families cooking to death in German bomb shelters, families trying to escape a firestorm only to become stuck in melted asphalt where they would burn alive in sight if each other, hundreds of women and children jumping from bridges in Tokyo to extinguish their burning skin and flesh in the river. This sort of thing was happening to tens of thousands of innocent people in every allied fire bombing raid – the Tokyo raid of March 9-10 1945 is reckoned to have killed over 100,000 people, most through burning to death. The German and Japanese governments were fully aware of these facts. However, the regimes never showed any concern for their citizens, even when it was obvious the war was lost for them, and they never hinted at the possibility of surrender. All the while Allied soldiers were dying by the thousands every single day.

Truman had no knowledge of the bomb until days before it was dropped, and he had to make the decision in the context of worldwide slaughter and devastation. The US public had spent a fortune on the bomb, and a tremendous amount of industrial and scientific capacity was invested too – at the expense, it should be noted, of reduced resources in other areas of the war. Japan had obstinately refused to surrender, even after the firebombing horrors of Tokyo and other cities.
Thousands of your soldiers are dying horribly every day. You have to end the war. Do you continue firebombing Japanese cities, burning to death hundreds of thousands of civilians, with little chance of surrender? All while preparing an invasion which would kill scores of civilians and countless thousands of your own troops? How would you answer the families of the tens or hundreds of thousands of your troops that died in the invasion you ordered, when the families find out you had the bomb but didn’t use it?

Would you drop the bomb? I have no idea if I would or could, and this is why I would never want to hold any political or military office.